Travel Insurance for Cancer Patients How easy is it to get travel insurance with cancer?It can be difficult to find travel insurance for people with cancer. Some insurers will be reluctant to offer cover because of the increased likelihood that cancer patients will claim. Do I still need medical travel insurance if I have recovered from cancer?As you may already know, it can still be tricky to find travel insurance even if you are a cancer survivor. Even if you are in remission, you may still require specialist medical travel insurance. The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)In addition to holiday insurance for cancer patients, if you are travelling to a country within Europe, you should always carry a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). You can apply for a card online. Talk to a medical professionalWhether you are an elderly person or a younger person travelling with cancer it is important to talk to a medical professional. They may be able to make suggestions on a good time to travel, as well as helping to decide what is realistic for you based on your personal condition. PlanningYou should start planning at least 4 to 6 weeks before you are due to travel. It is advisable that you travel with a medical summary that includes the following: Destination decisionsFor many, travelling with cancer will have little or no impact on their holiday. However, you should think about the arduousness of the journey and how many stopovers there are and consider the other tips below. Holiday timingOn some occasions it may be necessary to advise a delay to the planned journey if you have recently completed, are currently undergoing, or due to start certain treatments e.g. chemotherapy. Do not automatically cancel your holiday; however, as quite often simple re-arrangements can be made to allow a holiday to take place. In some cases Radiotherapy can be planned before the holiday and started on return – this doesn’t delay the treatment because there may well be a week or so gap between the planning and start. HealthcareYou may want to understand more about the standard and provision of healthcare in the destination country. A good point of contact would be the relevant High Commission, Embassy or Consulate. If there is concern that the destination is a country or area lacking in suitable medical facilities, it may be wise to consider an alternative that has a better standard of healthcare. If the destination is remote (even in a developed country) then healthcare is likely to be more basic, which should also be a consideration. Complimentary/alternative therapiesYou should be very cautious of any alternative therapies while you are travelling. Some herbal remedies may contain substances that interact with prescribed medication. You should always check with your cancer specialist before you go. FlyingProblems directly linked to a patient’s cancer are rare. However, there is neither the skill nor the facilities on commercial aircraft to care for seriously ill people for any extended period of time, and airline staff may refuse to carry passengers whom they feel are too unwell to travel. You may want to clarify: VaccinationsIn some cases, you may not be able to have the required vaccinations for the intended destination. Live vaccines are best avoided in patients who have a weakened immune system (this includes lymphoma, leukaemia, chemotherapy within previous 6 months; stem cell/bone marrow transplant within previous 6 months). If you’ve had chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, you may have lost your immunity to diseases that you were previously vaccinated against. Therefore, you may need new jabs. You should always check with your GP. MedicationIf you are taking any cancer medication and are planning to travel with your cancer medication, you ensure you know how much you need to take with you and get those prescriptions before you go (ensuring you have an extra supply in case you lose any). Some cancer drugs may leave you susceptible to infection for several weeks after treatment, and you should factor this into your planning. Oxygen requirementsIf you require long-term oxygen therapy, you should arrange supply at your destination country before you travel. Your UK oxygen provider should be able to arrange for supplementary oxygen to be available at the destination, although there may be a charge. You should get details of who to contact at the holiday destination if problems arise regarding the supplementary oxygen supply. Although commercial aircrafts do have an emergency oxygen supply, it is only intended for use in an emergency. If there is likelihood that you will require supplementary oxygen during the flight, you should raise this with the airline at the time of booking. The healthcare provision of many major airlines are summarised on the British Lung Foundation website ( Avoiding diarrhoea and vomitingDiarrhoea and vomiting can be debilitating to individuals who are generally in good health, but can be devastating to a patient travelling with cancer. Taking care in the sunSome cancer patients may be more sensitive to the direct effects of the sun due to chemotherapy regimes or radiotherapy. High-factor sun block (SPF 15 or higher) is recommended, as is the wearing of loose, cotton clothing.
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